item details

a non-fungible toket (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique

Textures & Patterns, Wallpapers

current price 0.34 ETH

artist: Christer Gundersen

size: 1440 x 1080

created: 10 july, 2021

collection: art

Jade Scarlato

650.30 ETC

highest bid

Leon Rohrwild

0.34 ETH

latest bid

Paolo Bendandi

650.30 ETC

Filipp Romanovski

650.30 ETC

Leon Rohrwild

650.30 ETC

Jade Scarlato

650.30 ETC

Pascal Meier

650.30 ETC

top sellers this month

a non-fungible toket (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique

Paolo Bendandi

650.30 ETC

Filipp Romanovski

650.30 ETC

Leon Rohrwild

650.30 ETC

Jade Scarlato

650.30 ETC

Pascal Meier

650.30 ETC

Jade Scarlato

650.30 ETC

Pascal Meier

650.30 ETC

Leon Rohrwild

650.30 ETC

Paolo Bendandi

650.30 ETC

Filipp Romanovski

650.30 ETC

Leon Rohrwild

650.30 ETC

Filipp Romanovski

650.30 ETC

Jade Scarlato

650.30 ETC

Pascal Meier

650.30 ETC

Paolo Bendandi

650.30 ETC

our top collections

a non-fungible toket (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique

Textures & Patterns, Wallpapers

minimum bid
0.5 ETH

Textures & Patterns, Wallpapers

minimum bid
0.5 ETH

Textures & Patterns, Wallpapers

minimum bid
0.5 ETH

Textures & Patterns, Wallpapers

minimum bid
0.5 ETH